  •   Hello@otterswim.com.sg
  •   +65 93807955
  •   +65 91822838

Common questions

We have 4 terms in a year. Each term will be 13 weeks including 1 week of break.
The term dates vary slightly each year, but as a rough guide:
Term 1 – January to March
Term 2 – April to June
Term 3 – July to September
Term 4 – October to December
There will be no swimming lessons on Singapore Public Holidays and selected days. You will also be notified of the dates at the beginning of each term and fees will also be adjusted accordingly.

Yes. There is a one-time non-refundable registration fee of $50.

Fees are paid in advance, before the start of the term/month depending on the package type.
If you join halfway through the term/month, we will be pro-rating the fees accordingly.
We accept payments via PayNow and Bank Transfer.
As our slots are based on first come first serve basis, please do make payment for the next term by the end of term break. Any late payments might result in your slot to be given to other students.
Our mode of communication is via WhatsApp/Telegram/Message/Email. Please do ensure that your particulars are correct and up to date.
All our swimming lessons are 30/45 minutes each depending on the class and program type.
Research shows that young children have shorter concentration span which will cause them to get tired quickly. Therefore, they tend to reject any other information if the lesson continues for too long. Based on our experience, 30/45 minutes is a soft spot where we can achieve good progress in the class but at the same time, avoiding the class being too long for them.
When you refer your friends or relatives to join us, both the referee & referrer will get a free lesson in the following term.
We do not want your child to miss out on a lesson if they are on unwell. To qualify for a make-up lesson,
-OtterSwim must be notified of a swimmer being absent prior to the class commencing.
-Medical Certificate must be presented
Make-up policies for parents who opt for Term Package differs from parents who opt for Monthly Package.
1) Term Package
  • For the 1st and 2nd make-up lessons a student have, it will be automatically schedule on the 2 Replacement Lessons at the end of the term. For the 3rd and subsequent make-up lessons a student has, please feel free to book it on any weekdays in the same term. Any make-up lessons not completed within the term will be forfeited. If a make up lesson is missed, it will be forfeited.
2) Monthly Package
  • Lessons will be forfeited. No make-up lessons will be offered.
If we cancel the lesson due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. Government Mandate School Closure), we will reschedule it to the replacement week/term break. However, we will try to minimize such disruptions as we believe that consistency is the key in learning swimming.
To encourage consistency in students’ learning, you are welcome to join our replacement lessons for free as bonus lessons.
From our experience, we are aware that it is rather difficult for parents to arrange for make-up classes outside of the student’s original slot due to their busy schedule. Also, students’ learning might be compromised when they attend the make-up lesson under a different coach.
As such, we came out with this new policy to ensure consistency & quality for our students’ learning.
Do note that lessons will proceed and end at stipulated time. There will not be any extension of time.
To ensure consistency for your child & that they do not miss any classes, we will attempt to find another coach to conduct the class. However, in any unforeseen circumstances that we are unable to find a suitable replacement, we will cancel the class.
Our swimming coaches are all AUSTSWIM certified and Joey Lingo trained to conduct infant and toddlers’ classes.
We are able to train your child and help them to register for SwimSafer programmes.
However, due to our indoor pool limitation, the assessments will be conducted elsewhere.
As the fees are paid termly, please notify us by WhatsApp at least 2 weeks prior to the end of each term, that you will be discontinuing.
Term package enjoys a cheaper rate as compared to the monthly package as we have transferred the savings on the administration recurring efforts back to our customers. In addition, this freed up the capacity of our Customer Service Officers (CSO) to provide better services.
If your child cries, it doesn’t really mean that your child isn’t ready for swimming lessons. Your child may be adjusting to the separation from Mom or Dad, getting accustomed to the new surroundings, or just having a bad day. Give your child some time and let him develop his confidence, very soon he will be able to enjoy this wonderful experience in a total relax environment with us.
It truly differs from individual to individual. We have younger students who are very confident in the water and are consistent with attending the lessons, which helps them to progress faster. We also have students who are older but have had an unpleasant swimming experience before that caused them to have a fear of water and as such, it does take more time for them to overcome their fear and become a confident swimmer. Rest assured, our experienced coaches are there to advice when a child is ready to progress to the next level. We cater to every child’s individual needs as we understand that every child is unique and learn differently.
At least once a week, ideally twice a week. As we believe consistency is key.
Yes. Our pools are heated to about 30 degrees year-round to provide a comfortable learning environment for all ages.
Our pools are chlorinated to provide your child with the optimal hygienic environment.
In a parent and child programme, a parent is required in the water. We are leveraging off the trust built with a parent/relative to help them through initial stages of conditioning and confidence. We also recommend that you wear a top that can be easily held by your child.
As they are in different categories, we recommend conducting the class separately. We will be using different syllabus for Infant and Toddler Swim Lessons.
It is recommended to eat about an hour before the lesson so that proper digestion can take place.

Do you have any question? Feel free to contact.

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